Profile Fields
You can customize which fields are required, optional, or not asked for curler profiles at your club.
Walkthrough Video
The following video will take you, the curling club manager, through customizing the questions being asked of curlers during registration.
Finding your Profile Fields Customization
Within your admin area, click on the Club dropdown menu in the top bar and then click on Profile Fields.
Greyed out Fields
The fields that are greyed out are required by the system for various operations like waivers, gender restricted events, and age restricted events / fees / discounts. You cannot change these fields.
If you specify that a field is required, then curlers must fill it out when registering and creating a curler profile.
If you specify that a field is optional, then curlers will be asked, but may choose not to fill it out when registering and creating a curler profile.
Don't Ask
If you specify that a field is don't ask, then curlers will not be asked to fill it out when registering and creating a curler profile.
Missing Fields?
If there are fields that you need to collect but are missing, then you can submit a feature request to discuss it on our feedback board.
Profile fields shouldn't be specific to just one club. Also, temporal fields like age or first time curler cannot be asked as part of a curler profile since they wouldn't remain accurate from season to season, but would be fine to ask via custom fields on your events.